Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thing #18

Well I set up a Face book account. I wasn't very excited about doing this because I really felt like this was more for teenagers or singles. Boy was I wrong! There are a lot of families that have Facebook accounts. Not only that it was really easy to set up. Some of my friends have a MySpace account and they put a lot of work into it. But Facebook is really simple to add things to and I don't have to do a lot of work! That's the important part!
I think it's important that educators know what is going on in the social networking world. We need to understand how our students communicate. I don't think I would feel comfortable letting students join my personal facebook. I think that would lead to trouble down the road.
I think maybe a school could have it's own facebook, but once again would the students be able to handle appropriate behavior?

1 comment:

mmw said...

I think we should be teaching our students what is appropriate behavior online. Until they understand that what they write and post online can have far-reaching consequences - we haven't done our job. We teach them how to behave in person, why not online as well? They will be operating in that environment more and more.