Saturday, July 12, 2008

Summarizing My Thoughts!

Wow, I'm not sure that I can even begin to thing about my favorite things about this class. But I'll try! I really enjoyed the Animoto. It was so easy to create and it makes me look like I am really high tech with my friends and family!! I also liked Flickr. I'm so not a scrap booker, but I can create albums online for others to look at. Which is way better than albums sitting on my book shelf! I also enjoyed my Blog. I didn't think that I would like creating one much less "blogging", but I had fun. I can't wait to use it next year with my students.
I have so many goals for next year and the years to come with technology. I really want to do some Podcasts with books for my students and have them do some too. I want a book blog for students to share their favorite books or I could also do a Wiki page.(Don't I sound so techy??)
I was really surprised at how easy it was to create and interact with all of these sites. I was nervous at the beginning, but once I started it was pretty simple. Of course I can say that now that I have completed them! Like I already mentioned I was concerned about setting up my blog and keeping up with it, but now I'm really proud of everything I have done. I didn't think that I would learn so much. I considered myself a high tech person, but I really knew so little about what was out there! I'm still in awe of my google customized page. I love going to it and reading all my favorite subjects at one time. I was also surprised at how much time I spent "playing". I didn't take the warnings seriously!ha
The only thing you could do differently is to let the students know that it will take more than just 15 minutes a day to complete all the assignments! At least it did for me and I know some other people as well.
Of course I would love to take on another class like this!
I am going to do so many things differently than I have in the past. Of course I think that I will take things slow at first! I don't want to overwhelm my students!ha I see so many new ways to reach out to the students in an outlet that many of them enjoy. I'm hoping that more of my students will be willing to join in book discussions and publishing their writing if they are just posting it on a blog and not raising their hand in class. Those are the students that I have problems with meeting their needs because they don't let their needs known. I hope that my new found ideas will help with this problem.
I am going to keep up with the RSS feeds and of course my friends that took this same class. I have learned from other classes that I have taken if I don't use it, I lose it! So I'm going to continue learning and practicing!
Thank you for this experience. I have truly enjoyed it!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thing #23

Here is the example that I found that shows the Learning 2.0-23Things blog was based on someone else's work and modified from its original.
Learning 2.0 is a discovery learning program created by Helene Blowers and adapted by the California School Library Association and others. Content and style for Learning 2.0 - 23 Things has been borrowed and duplicated with permission, under a Creative Commons License.

Obviously now that I know the rules I will abide by them. I'm happy that there is website like Creative Commons that walks you through the process. The world of copyrighting (is that a word?) can be very confusing!

Thing #22

I visited The Educational Podcast Network and Learn Out Loud. I liked both sites but I liked that EPN was free. Learn Out Loud did have some free Podcasts, but of course the ones that I was interested in all cost money. I did find an interesting Podcast that I added to my RSS feeds. It is a quick book talk. I am linking Dairy of a Wimpy Kid. This is a great book for boys to read that are having problems journaling!
These Podcasts quickly give a summary of books. I think that my students would be interested in these because I am constantly telling them about books and it would be a great way for them to know more about the books before they choose. I'm thinking this would be a great way to start new literacy groups. I call them Book Clubs and the students think they are really grown up!LOL I think it would be great to have my students set up their own podcast over a book they have read or a short story they have written. This would be a great way to have students know they will have an audience for their writing! I'm so excited!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thing #21

This is great! It was super easy and I loved being able to pick music to put with the pictures! I am so going to use this for my students' pictures on field trips, PTA performances, projects. The list is endless. I'm so excited!!

Thing #20

I thought this would be a good song for a person named Short Stuff!
YouTube is a great place to spend many hours of laughing. I enjoy looking up the bloopers from newscast!
As far as education wise I would use them as an instructional video. I found some interesting writing videos for teachers.
My only concern is that YouTube has all kinds of inappropriate videos. I had to wait until my children went to bed to do this assignment. Even looking up funny songs with singing animals, there were naked girls gone wild singing funny songs. I'm so not ready to discuss that!!

Thing #19

View my page on 23 Thingsters

OK, so as you can tell I added the Ning badge and widget. I also added some photos and left some comments for people. I looked at some of the other social networks. I have never been a member of one, but I am interested in GoodReads. I was looking at some comments that people were making about books and I have found some more books to buy!

Thing #18

Well I set up a Face book account. I wasn't very excited about doing this because I really felt like this was more for teenagers or singles. Boy was I wrong! There are a lot of families that have Facebook accounts. Not only that it was really easy to set up. Some of my friends have a MySpace account and they put a lot of work into it. But Facebook is really simple to add things to and I don't have to do a lot of work! That's the important part!
I think it's important that educators know what is going on in the social networking world. We need to understand how our students communicate. I don't think I would feel comfortable letting students join my personal facebook. I think that would lead to trouble down the road.
I think maybe a school could have it's own facebook, but once again would the students be able to handle appropriate behavior?

Thing #17

Wow! I can so see how would be a great resource for people doing research. It's amazing how much information there is about different topics. In 4th grade we do a Native American research project and I'm thinking how much easier it would be to find information on line for the students. I'm thinking that this would be an amazing site for librarians. They could let us know tag names and we could see what they have found for us!
I started a account and it was very easy to use. I know that I am constantly looking for new ideas for teaching writing and English. I also am in constant search for good books for my students and my own children to read. found some really good web-sites that are interactive. I also found a web-site where you can read the stories. I can see me using all the time. It is so much easier to do this type if search and bookmarking. I wish I would have known about this earlier! I think it would be great if MISD teachers could do this for each grade level. Wouldn't it be great to see all the different types of information that other teachers use to teach?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thing #16

I had already set up my igoogle page. I did some rearrange of the widgets. I have some sites that send me an alert when they update for example I'm pretty sure that I will keep this as my home page. I love having everything at my fingertips. I can find dinner for tonight, read Calvin and Hobbes, get a brief look at world events, and find out what is going on in the education word. This is great!! At first I didn't think that I would even look at it again when I set it up, but I find myself looking at it more than twice a day. My six year old son wants to set one up for him and I'm thinking that I might do it. He really enjoys reading the comics and watching funny videos clips! I'm going to have to look into how to make sure the video clips are age appropriate!
I love the google calendar! I have been using it since I first started it up. I love that it emails me all the information for the day. In fact I almost forgot about an eye appointment, but it reminded me!!
I tried out the Stikkit, but I think that is a little redundant of what I have going on with my online calendar with google. I think that is what I like about the google calendar that it is sooo easy to use!
Even though I can't use google at school, I can set up the calendar from home and still get the reminders via email at school. Plus I don't have time at school to check my customized page, so I will only be doing that from home. I will so recommend this to other people. I told my husband about it and he responded with, "Uh, I've had one for years!" I don't think I'm going to tell him about the other cool things that I have learned about!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing #15

I added some comments about blogging on the misd23things.wikispaces. It was very simple to comment on and I can so see how this would be helpful in the classroom. I could use a wiki for literacy group discussions. I could post questions and the students could comment. Obviously this would be an assignment and I could take a grade and save the environment!!
I really like the idea of the wiki. I could see all kinds of things that I could do with this. I'm in the process of setting up my own wiki. I'll let you know when I get it all set up!

Thing #14

I used to create a bubble map. It was very easy to use. Then I went to Flow and tried to create the same flowchart that I did on, but it wasn't near as easy! What I can tell from what I did the mind maps appear to be a lot easier to maneuver than the flow charts. I normally create my own graphic organizers or I use "Thinking Maps". I think that I would be more apt to use because it is very simple to operate and I would not spend a lot of time trying to figure it out. During the school year I don't have time to waste as I'm preparing lessons. Surely I'm not the only one that feels this way? I guess I just need to spend more time "playing" with the flow maps!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing #13

I have just set up my Zoho account and have spent some time just looking around. The first thing I noticed was that its tools were a lot like the tools on Google. I saw that many of our classmates thought the same thing.
I am currently typing this in Zoho, so I'm hoping that I will be able to import this into my blog. I guess we will find out. This is actually the second time that I have written this blog. The first time somehow is disappeared and I couldn't find it. I gave up and just started a new one.
I was impressed with the welcome page that helped you through everything. That was nice to have all the tools explained on one page. I also like having every option on the menu right on the page. That is very handy.
But the thing I like the most is that I can work offline and edit my document and then the document with synch back up with my online document.
I think that I have probably only touched the surface of this. I think that I will keep using this just so I can become more familiar with all the tools.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Thing #12

I never knew that google had so many other options. I wish MISD wouldn't block google! I used the google calendar to set up my summer calendar. It was so easy to setup! I really enjoyed that it emails me reminders of my upcoming appointments. That is very helpful!
I love the igoogle tool. I was amazed at how easy it was to set up custom homepage. A click of the mouse and I have everything I need to know! Even ideas for dinner!! This is great! I'm sure I'm not the only one that wants MISD to drop that block!